Courtney: Dope

Friday, August 14, 2015

Swimsuit: Choies
Jacket: New Look
Jeans: Vintage
Sandals: eBay
Bag: Vintage
Belt: ASOS
Sunglasses: eBay
Necklace: Accessorize

I think these pictures are more than a year old :s. I still have all these items though (I'm a hoarder lol). 

This outfit is so 90's it hurts. High waisted acid wash mom jeans? Check. Baywatch Style swimsuit? Check. Leather and Gold belt? Check. The 90's is one of my favourite decades for fashion, second only to the 80's (which was so bad it was good lol). It's my secretest secret dream to back in time to the 80's but only if I can be friends with Janet Jackson lol. 80's Janet Jackson is the epitome of cool. Control is a fantastic album, I tell ya! When I was seventeen, I did what people told me.. If you don't know, you better ask someborry! Lol.

The belt is a liar, by the way. It says 'REAL' but it isn't. But for £3, I ain't complaining.

Courtney .x.

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